Amanda Jones

Psychologists Explain 8 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Partner Every Day

Cherishing and nurturing love in a long-term relationship is an art that often eludes many of us. We’ve all witnessed the mesmerizing glow of a new relationship, where love seems to radiate effortlessly from every glance and touch. But what about the love that endures, deepens over time, and continues to blossom despite the complexities

Psychologists Explain 8 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Partner Every Day Read More

Overcoming Procrastination: Strategies for Staying Motivated

Procrastination is the silent killer of productivity. We’ve all experienced it at one point or another—putting off work, delaying deadlines, and generally being unproductive. It often starts with the best of intentions but ends in a cycle of guilt and self-doubt. Overcoming procrastination is the gateway to a more fulfilling and successful professional and personal

Overcoming Procrastination: Strategies for Staying Motivated Read More

8 Small Things Gaslighters Say To Make You Feel ‘Crazy’

In an age where psychology is on the rise, the term ‘gaslighting’ has made its way into mainstream conversations. What was once a niche concept is now a crucial aspect of discussions surrounding abuse and manipulation. Originating from the 1944 movie “Gaslight”, gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where false information is presented to

8 Small Things Gaslighters Say To Make You Feel ‘Crazy’ Read More